Facebook’s Free Wi-Fi Is About More Than Just Generosity
How to utilise Facebook’s free Wi-Fi to improve your rankings!
Offering customers free Wi-Fi isn’t necessarily a revolutionary act—after all, how many times have you scammed some free internet time from your local coffee shop or hairdresser? The interesting thing about Facebook’s free Wi-Fi however, is that it allows you to actually improve your business’ rankings at the same time!
First introduced in the US in 2013, the feature allows any business to turn their router into a hot-spot, giving customers free Wi-Fi in exchange for ‘checking in’ to the business on Facebook. ‘But how does this improve my rankings or benefit my business?,’ you ask. Well, there are a number of different ways, including:
Image Source: Smart Company
Remember, today’s consumers are all about ‘hassle-free’ options, and Facebook’s free Wi-Fi is another way to encourage people to engage with your business in a natural fashion!
Want to know more about how to turn your router into a free Facebook Wi-Fi hotspot? Check out Facebook’s guidelines.