Show Your Customers You’re Exactly What They Need!

Knowing what your potential customers and clients have in common is one of the strongest tools in your online arsenal.

What Are People Using?

Now this might seem like an unusual question, but we raise an underutilised question.; what device are your potential customers using to find you, and how is this information going to help you find them?

Mobile phones and tablets are pretty popular these days. In fact, Tobias Lutke reported that by 2014, mobile devices already accounted for over 50% of all E-commerce traffic. This isn’t just for taking photos of food or tweeting about the person in front of you at Subway that sneezed on the cashier. This shows in online search as well.

Nitzan Beck wrote for Banana Splash that from 2013 to 2015, organic search results via mobile devices grew from a share of 27% to a crazy 45% in the US alone. What does this mean? It means an enormous amount of people are looking at their phones and tablets, and they’re looking for you.

Why Should You Care?

If you search for a company on your mobile phone, and the website has not been optimised for mobile devices, your experience is miserable and you dislike the company as a result.

This example is what can, and likely will happen to a website that is not mobile friendly.

If you need to optimise your website to be more mobile friendly, there are some fantastic companies that can get the work done for you, such as GetMoreTraffic.

Who Is Your Audience?

What To Do Next?

You went from a website that made people want to donate their eyes to science, to instead having the kind of website that people love. That’s all well and good, but what’s the next step?

The answer is simple. Google Analytics. This tool has the power and potential to really help you understand where your customers are coming from. Analytics opens the doors to complete control and understanding of who is finding you, what they’re doing once they’ve found you, and how to use this information to create return on your investment.

Age, occupation, location, language spoken; these are just some of the many points of information that people set up as part of their Google profiles, and are all points that you can use to both target and understand your audience. You then take this information, and you turn it into potentially your greatest asset; profitable data.

Now You’re Playing With Power

Google Analytics has told you who your online audience contains. This opens the door to strategies and methods that are backed with real data from real people who want to do business with you.

Perhaps you stock an anti-aging cream that removes wrinkles. With Google Analytics as your guide, you avoid showing to kids, and focus on your real audience.

Your range of ‘Learn to Speak Spanish’ cassette tapes needs some attention. With reassuring words from your Google Analytics data, you find an audience outside of Spain who are trekking through the Basque Country and Andalusia!

Unlimited Possibilites

You know how to find who you need to target, and you know you can offer a fantastic experience with your website. Surely this the end? No.

The tools you have available are now stronger than ever, especially since you’re backed up by all that great data about your audience, their interests and how to create positive engagement with you.

Across mobile devices, you can be as swift as a coursing river with AdWords and PPC advertising. You can have all of the strength of a great typhoon with organic listings and Search Engine Optimisation. You can harness all of the rage of a burning fire with Facebook advertising. With the right approach, and the right data, you can take on the world, rolling all of these into a digital marketing powerhouse.

Knowing who your audience is, and how your audience finds you, is not just a question. It’s your first line of offence in a digital marketing universe.

If you’d like to know more about making the most of your mobile audience, reach out to an industry professional like GetMoreTraffic – call today on 1300 332 256.

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